Saturday, April 2, 2016

Three Years In

Dear Caribaby,

3 years.
156 weeks.
1095 days.

Three years ago today we were in Haiti and God spoke directly to my heart and told me about you. Three years ago today I knew I would be your mother. Three years ago today my life changed forever.

In some ways I can't believe it's gone so quickly. However, some days it feels like it's been a lifetime without you. We don't know your name and we've never seen your face, but you have been a part of our thoughts and conversations every single day for the last three years. 

Life took a crazy (but amazing!) turn a year ago when we found out about your big brother. To be honest, when we found out that the arrival of Pax would delay your arrival, I was heartbroken. It was a crazy mix of emotions of being so excited for the baby in my belly, but so ready to meet our baby in the Caribbean. We knew God's timing would be perfect, but I was tired of waiting for you.

I need you to know you are never forgotten. I tell Pax about you everyday. We sing songs about you and pray for you and dream about who you will be. We will see you soon, sweet baby. We can't wait for you to join our random living room dance parties, our nightly jam sessions, and our everyday crazy life. Our hearts burst every time we think about you!

**Caribaby Update**

First of all, let me apologize for the lack of updates on Caribaby. Life has been crazy the last 6 months. Adding a tiny, needy human will do that to you! Here are the main things you need to know to be totally updated on our adoption...

-We are DEFINITELY still adopting! No question. We never ever not even once considered stopping the adoption once we found out Pax was coming. Adoption was Plan A, Pax was Plan B. We did some alphabet rearranging.

-We are back on the waiting list! Our agency took us off the list until Pax was born so that we could spread out the craziness a little. We were bummed about this at first but after realizing that babies are hard work (yes - a million people told me this, no - I didn't listen.), we were very thankful. 

-We are anticipating completing the adoption within the next 18 - 24 months. For the past three years, I have attended Joy in the Journey, a retreat for foster and adoptive moms. My goal is to be out of the "waiting moms" group by year 5. I'm aiming high. If it happens, everyone there gets a party hat.

-We are still fully-funded! All of your generous donations and the money we have saved is nestled safely in its own savings account in the bank. We are continuing to add to it because there are some added expenses with the delay, but we know God will provide just as he always has.

I think that's all we know for now. Thanks again for all of your amazing love and support through this journey!


  1. So beautiful, Maggie! I can't wait to meet my new niece/nephew. Thanks for sharing your journey. Kiss precious Pac for his Auntie Crisp. Love to all three of you.

  2. If someone handed me eleven thousand dollars and I was constantly going on extravagant trips instead of finishing up my adoption, I would post this too.

    1. Thanks for taking time to read our blog! I feel as though this conversation would be a lot more fruitful if had in person. Starbucks is a much better environment for this kind of thing than the comments section. I would love to sit down and chat about your thoughts! Please e-mail me at and we can schedule a time. Thanks!
